Wednesday, March 19, 2008



-Created by Neelesh Sahu & Deepti Neve

Note: Answer of verbal reasoning are followed by '-------'

a) Clear
b) Calm -----
c) Enjoyable
d) Dull

a) Boast
b) Remember ------
c) Manipulate
d) Harmonize

a) Face
b) Worship ------
c) Flatter
d) Challenge

a) Reserved ------
b) Silent
c) Talkative
d) Curt

a) Misrule
b) Power
c) Madness
d) Cruelty ---------

a) Useful
b) Required --------
c) Stubborn
d) Agreeable

a) Jealousy
b) Hatred
c) Anger -------
d) Violence

a) Distribute
b) Decorate
c) Preserve
d) Collect ------

a) Stagnant
b) Gloomy
c) Dying -------
d) Superflous

a) Lament --------
b) Soothe
c) Denounce
d) Loathe


a) Austere --------
b) Frugal
c) Miserly
d) Simple

a) Venerate
b) Surrender
c) Conquer ---------
d) Destroy

a) Extra-Ordinary
b) Heavenly ----------
c) Superb
d) Excellent

a) Guilt ----------
b) Crime
c) Sin
d) Mischief

a) Patient
b) Generous
c) Kind -----------
d) Simple

a) Absolve
b) Accuse -------
c) Infuriate
d) Vindicate

a) Purify -------
b) Preserve
c) Defect
d) Tarnish

a) Entice
b) Repulse -----------
c) Develop
d) Decoy

a) Careless
b) Irresponsible
c) Blameless
d) Defendable ----------

a) Accuse
b) Criticize
c) Defame -----------
d) Abuse

Sentence completion:-
21. The medicine gave him a short ______ from the suffering.
a) escape
b) relief
c) respite -----------
d) release

22. The serious ______ with her 5s that she does not know typing.
a) Disadvantage -----------
b) inconvenience
c) handicap
d) obstacle

23. A standing army is necessary for each nation to save itself from the danger of foreign ______.
a) raids
b) incursions --------
c) interference
d) insertion

24. He has virtually _________ by the villagers for absconding with the girl.
a) driven
b) banished
c) ostracized ----------
d) exploited

25. There are many _______ to greek mythology in English poetry.
a) elusives
b) allusions --------
c) illusions
d) delusions
Statement conclusion
Options for all………….
a) only I
b) only II
c) both I & II
d) neither I nor II
26. Some foods are sweets.
Some foods are sour.
I. All foods are either sweet or sour.
II. Some sweets are sour. (D)

27. All dogs are cats.
Some cats are tigers.
I. Some dogs are tigers.
II. No dogs are tigers. (D)
28. All desks are chairs.
No chair is table.
I. No desk is a table.
II. No table is a desk. (C)
29. Many scooters are trucks.
All trucks are train.
I. Some scooters are train.
II. No truck is scooter. (A)
30. Some toys are books.
Some books are papers.
I. Some books are toys.
II. Some papers are books (D).


Q 31 to 33
I. A, B, C, D and E reside in a 5 storey building.
II. B and E do not reside on ground floor.
III. D resides one storey above A and one storey below C.
IV. E does not reside on the top floor.

31. How many of them do reside above C ?
a) 3 b) 2 c) 4 d) 1 e) Data inadequate. Ans.(B)

32. On which floor does D reside.
a) 2nd b) 4th c) 5th d) 1st e) Data inadequate, Ans.(D)

33. To find out the answers to the above two questions, which of the four given statements can be dispensed with?
a) IV b) II & III c) None d) I e) II & IV Ans.(C)

Q 34 to 38.

I). Six friends P, Q, R, S, T and U are members of a club and play a different game of Football, cricket, Tennis, Basketball, Badminton and Volleyball.
II). T, who is taller than P and S play Tennis.
III). The tallest among them play Basketball.
IV). The shortest among them plays Volleyball.
V). Q & S neither play Volleyball nor Basketball.
VI). R plays Volleyball.
VII). T is between Q who plays Football and P in order of height.

34. What does S play?
a) Football
b) Either Cricket or Badminton.
c) Cricket
d) Badminton
e) None of the above Ans.(D)

35. Who among them is taller than R but shorter than P?
a) T
b) Data Inadequate
c) Q
d) U
e) None of these Ans.(E)

36. Who among them plays basketball?
a) S b) U c) Q d) R e) None Ans.(B)

37. Which of the following statement is not true?
a) T is taller than R.
b) U is taller than Q.
c) P is shorter than R.
d) Q is taller than S.
e) S is taller than R. Ans.(C)

38. Who will be at the third place if they are arranged in the descending order of their heights?
a) T b) Q c) P d) S e) None. Ans.(A)

39. Five persons A, B, C, D and E were walking along a street. D was ahead of A. E was following B. C was between A and B. Who was in the middle?
a) E b) D c) C d) B e) A. Ans.(C)

40. Kamesh is taller than Raj but not as tall as Somesh. Somesh is shorter than Rajeev who is not as tall as subhash. Who is the tallest in the group.
a) Kamesh b) Raj c) Rajeev d) Subhash e) None of these. Ans.(D)

41. If 3 men and 5 women can build a wall in 43 days, in how many days can 7 men and 5 women build this wall.
a) 16 days
b) 25 days
c) 21 ½ days
d) 12days Ans.(D)

42. In a hospital there is a consumption of 1350 liters of milk for 70 patients for 30 days. How many patients will consume 1710 liters of milk in 28 days.
a) 59 b)85 c) 95 d) 105. Ans.(C)

43. If 4 examiners can examine a certain number of answer books in 8 days by working 5 hours a day, for how many hours a day would 2 examiners have to work in order to examine twice the number of answer books in 20 days.
a) 6 b) 7 ½ c) 8 d) 9. Ans.(C)

44. The population of a town increases 5% annually. If its present population is 74970, what it was two years ago?
a)64200 b) 68000 c)63155 d) 72000 Ans.(B)

45. One liter water is evaporated from 6 liters of a solution containing 4% of sugar. The percentage of sugar in the remaining solution is:
a) 1.4% b) 5.2% c) 4.8% d) 3.4% Ans.(C)

46. If the numerator of a fraction is increased by 20% and its denominator be diminished by 10%, the value of a fraction is 16/21. The original fraction is:
a) 3/5 b) 5/7 c) 2/3 d) 4/7 Ans.(D)

47. In an examination, 42% students failed in Hindi and 52% failed in English.
If 17% failed in both the subjects, the percentage of those who passed in both the subjects is :
a) 23% b) 27% c) 34% d) 40% Ans.(A)

48. A man covers a distance from a town A to a town B, on scooter at 30km/hr and rides back from B to A at 20km/hr. His average speed during the whole journey is:
a) 25 b) 24 c) 22.75 d)24.5 Ans.(B)

49. A batsman makes a score of 87 runs in the 17th inning and thus increased his average by 3. His average after the 17th inning is:
a) 29 b) 32 c) 36 d)39 Ans.(D)

50. With an average speed of 40km/hr a train reaches its destination on time. If it goes with an average speed of 35km/hr, it is late by 15 minutes. The length of the journey is:
a) 40km b) 60km c) 70km d)80km Ans.(C)

51. 94 is divided into two parts in such a way that the 5th part of the 1st and the 8th part of the 2nd are in the ratio 3 : 4. The 1st part is:
a) 27 b) 30 c) 36 d)48 Ans.(B)

52. A sum of RS. 7000 is divided among A, B, C in such a way that the shares of A and B are in the ratio 2 : 3 and those of B and C are in the ratio 4 : 5. The share of C is:
a) 2600 b) 2800 c) 3000 d)3900 Ans.(C)

53. 20 liters of a mixture contains milk and water in the ratio 5 : 3. If 4 liters of this mixture are replaced by 4 liters of milk, the ratio of milk to water in the new mixture is :
a) 2 : 1 b) 6 : 3 c) 7 : 3 d) 8 : 3 Ans.(C)

54. A man sells two houses for Rs, 629836 each. On one he gains 5% and on other he loses 5%. On the whole transaction he gets:
a) 2.5% gain b) 2.5% loss c) no Profit no Loss d) 0.25% loss Ans.(D)

55. Successive discounts of 20% and 10% is equivalent to a single discount of how many percent?
a) 30% b) 15% c) 22.5% d) 28% Ans.(D)

56. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price but uses a weight of 960grms for 1kg. His gain percent is:
a) 4 1/6% b) 6 2/3% c) 16 2/3% d) 11 1/9% Ans.(A)

57. In a stream running at 2 kmph, a motor boat goes 10 km upstream and back again to the starting point in 55 minutes. The speed of the motor boat in still water (in kmph)is:
a) 24 b) 22 c) 32 d)28 Ans.(b)

58. The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age of his son. Ten years hence the father’s age will be twice that of the son. The ratio of their present age is:
a) 5 : 2 b) 9 : 2 c) 7 : 3 d) 13 : 4 Ans.(C)

59. At what rate percent per annum will a sum of money double in 18 years.
a) 10% b) 12% c) 12.5% d) 16% Ans.(C)

60. A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 3% higher are, it would have fetched Rs. 300 more. The sum is:
a)4000 b)6000 c)6250 d)5000 Ans.(D)

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